Be Comforted in Your Pain (you are never alone)

“Don’t let them hurt me!” My young son’s words broke my heart.

Although his immunizations were necessary, it wasn’t easy to listen to his cries.

Through my nearly 23 years of parenting, I’ve found myself in the doctor’s office countless times with my children. Sometimes the visits have been pleasant, other times not so much.

Yet I want to be there, no matter how difficult the experience … for them and me — even if I can’t take away their pain.

Because I love them, I want them to know they’re not alone in their suffering. I want them to know I care.

My parents desired the same for me.

never alone

Never Alone in Suffering

Yet, sometimes as an adult, I’ve felt alone in my suffering. I’ve fallen into the trap of believing no one could relate or really cared.

That’s far from true on many fronts. I have friends and family members who only want the best for me. Yet, take away all my loved ones and still I’m never alone in my pain.

Because I walk with an ever-present God. Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, knows the extent and circumstances surrounding my greatest fears and struggles. 

Regardless of my or your circumstances, He can relate. In His suffering and death, He experienced pain far greater than any we’ll endure.

And He cares about us and the struggles we face. He’s present in the beauty of life as well as in the ugly. He’s present when peace fills our days as well as when chaos reigns supreme.

The Lord is there to be our shelter and wipe away our tears. All the while offering words of assurance, “[I] will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6c).

In the midst of searing pain, the Lord is near to be our shelter and wipe away our tears. Click To Tweet

My children will continue to face hard times. We all will. Suffering is a necessary part of growing.

For as long as I can, I will be there offering a shoulder to lean on. But even after I’m long gone from this earth, I can assure them (as I can you):

You never need to be alone in your pain. Walk with Christ, and be comforted by His constant presence. 

Suffering will happen, but you are never alone in your pain. Be comforted by the Lord's constant presence! Click To Tweet

“And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b).

Reflections: What struggles are you dealing with today? Are you shouldering through alone or leaning on the One who can offer you a measure of peace and joy in the midst of your trials?

By His grace ≈


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Find hope in your real-life struggles. We'll chase it together! I am a wife; mom of 4 (including a young adult daughter with special needs); miscarriage mom of 5; author & follower of Jesus Christ. I write, edit, speak and enjoy everything outdoors.

One comment on “Be Comforted in Your Pain (you are never alone)
  1. Cecelia Lester says:

    I have memories of dealing with our son’s getting injections or intravenous set ups that were not fun for me or for him or for the person doing the medical work. One time, I had to lay across him in order for the task to be done. What we mothers go through getting our children healthy and grown!

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