I Want To Be Like Her! (live fully in who you are)

God didn’t create any one of us to be someone else. So why do we keep trying to do so? Begin to live fully by embracing who you are.

For years I repeatedly strove to be a runner. I’d start strong. But soon the excuses would begin, and I’d quit.

I’ve always admired those people who run for exercise and fun, so I thought I should be one too. It didn’t work out, and I missed the lesson: I gave up on exercising instead of seeking the right form for me.

live fully in your uniqueness

Be Honest: Are You Being You?

Trying to be like someone else happens in all areas of life. We see it in our vocations, hobbies, and how we live everyday.

Maybe I’m the worst at this. I’ve tried to become the writer Ann is, the naturalist Jim is, the encourager Liz is, the mama Dawn is, the friend Jan is, the speaker Ken is, the ministry leader Lysa is, the entrepreneur Michael is, and the prayer warrior Suzie is. Instead of learning from others how to be a better me, I’ve tried to become everyone else but me.

I’ve looked to the talents and opportunities God’s blessed others with and wished they were mine. Yet as I mature, I’m realizing the truth: 

To be best used by God, we must begin to walk in the fullness of who He created us to be. 

To be best used by God, we must begin to walk in the fullness of who He created us to be. Click To Tweet

This first requires being honest with yourself. For example, I didn’t like jogging but wanted to be like my friend Rachel. When I tried to emulate her, I quit being me and doing me things in the area of exercise.

We all know we need to care for our bodies. But I needed to realize I’d be most effective at maintaining a certain level of fitness if I did it in a way I was uniquely wired for.

Eventually tiring of trying to be someone I’m not, I developed my own brand of exercise: one that matched my personality and aspirations in the area of fitness. 

I Want To Be Like Her Me

As I began to understand the mistake we all make in overlooking our own uniqueness, I endeavored to embrace the me God created. Instead of wanting to be like her, I started to want to be like me!

Now I’m working to develop my own writing voice, cultivate my own spiritual gifts, and notice the blessings of my own style of parenting.

As wonderful as Mother Theresa’s accomplishments were, we don’t need another Mother Theresa. We need you and me!

Our greatest success and contribution comes when we tap into who we individually are, not when we become a mini–someone else.

Our greatest contribution comes when we tap into who we uniquely are, not when we become a mini–someone else. Click To Tweet

Live Fully As Uniquely You

Thank God, He didn’t create a bunch of Julies or Betsys or Jons. If He had, only a few of us would be needed.

Instead, the Father formed each of us in His own unique and complex image. We are uniquely different in more ways than simply identifiable fingerprints.

We must learn to embrace the distinct combination of thoughts, abilities, and temperament of me. Because only then can we walk in the fullness of God’s plan.

We get stuck in life when we try to be who and do what God never created us to be and do.

We get stuck in life when we try to be who and do what God never created us to be and do. Be you! Click To Tweet

Freedom and effectiveness of purpose comes when we tap into the uniqueness that is me and combine it with the love and truth of the Lord. It’s then we start walking in His individual and glorious plan for us.

Freedom and effectiveness comes when we tap into our uniqueness and combine it with God's love and truth. Click To Tweet

It’s then we start to live fully!

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 ESV 

Reflections: Are there areas you are trying to be someone you are not? Be honest: that’s the first step. 

Join me in praising God for creating us in such a wonderful and unique fashion. Check out my new devotional that released as an eBook a couple weeks ago on the blessings of praising God! Praise: it’s just what each of us needs to discover the beauty in the broken. Soon Everyday Praise will be released as a paperback! Sign up to receive word when that happens and to get the FREE 5-devotion preview here: Everyday Praise Devotional

I am always thrilled to link up with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday and this week’s prompt, “living fully for today.” Click on the image to check out the wonderful encouragement.

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By His grace ≈


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Find hope in your real-life struggles. We'll chase it together! I am a wife; mom of 4 (including a young adult daughter with special needs); miscarriage mom of 5; author & follower of Jesus Christ. I write, edit, speak and enjoy everything outdoors.

5 comments on “I Want To Be Like Her! (live fully in who you are)
  1. Bettie G says:

    Thanks for these good words, Julie. And sometimes, I find that I need to stop being the “me” that I was last year, or last decade, and let God bring out the “me” that He has planned for TODAY. Blessed by your thoughts!

  2. Diana Rockwell says:

    Thanks Julie for your encouragement, I am often wanting my writing to be like someone else’s but honestly I couldn’t write like them if I tried because the thought come in my head. When I was heavy, I wanted to be thin. I know I am allergic to exercise, so I do not have to worry about jogging. Can I pray to write like you? LOL. I am close to you in Live free Thursday.

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