The One Thing I Hope My Children Remember About Me Above All Else

As a parent it is far too easy to get wrapped up in the daily happenings. Endless demands. Never-ending task lists.

In each day’s busyness, the urgent gets our attention, and far-too-often the most important gets forgotten. [←Tweet this.]

We work hard at being Supermom or Superdad, yet forget being Child of God is our first calling. 

And we end up being remembered for something less than.


Worthy Attributes To Remember

There are many things I’m sure my children have noticed about me. Even a few I’m happy about. 

I am a rather driven lady. A woman in need of getting things done; checking items off lists. I take satisfaction in accomplishing tasks. 

But that’s not the most important thing I want my children to remember about me. 

I am friendly and helpful albeit a bit shy and reserved. I enjoy serving others. 

But that’s not the most important thing I want my children to remember about me. 

I am fiercely loyal and  extremely honest. I value integrity.

But that’s not the most important thing I want my children to remember about me. 

I love my family immensely and would lay down my life for them. 

But that’s not the most important thing I want my children to remember about me. 

I hope my children have learned from me that it is important to work hard, serve others, be a man or woman of integrity, and love deeply.

I hope they remember my love for them and the little things I did to show it. The notes in their lunchboxes; summer picnics and stomping through the creek; autumn mornings jumping in the leaves; winter afternoons sledding and building snowforts; evenings spent playing games and reading books; the joy of just being together.

Put In All

But there’s one virtue in particular I pray sticks in their forever-minds: one that bears eternal value. 

I hope my children remember always and forever that I loved the Lord and represented Him well as His daughter. 

After Jesus observed the widow giving two tiny coins, He made this statement: 

“This poor widow has put in more than all of them. For all these people have put in gifts out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.” Luke 21:4, my emphasis

May my children see that I put in my all for God … and remember. [←Tweet this.]

Reflection: How about you? What do you want your children to remember about you? 

Joining Suzie Eller and her Friday linkup party a bit late. Writing on the topic, What I Hope They Remember, one thing I want my children to remember about me! Click the image below to read all the inspiring posts in the linkup.

Since beginning more than 3 years ago, I’ve counted more than 3,000 gifts in Ann Voskamp’s Joy Dare! What a blessing! So here we go: #3261–3281, read the entire list by clicking here.

  • Peaceful morning walk in the fog and drizzle; Going to sleep to the sound of rain; Rachel happy as can be standing out in the rain playing her Leappad
  •  Mosaic of brilliantly colored leaves spread over the road; Rachel helping fold towels; Deep-seated security that comes from decades in a committed (albeit not perfect) marriage
  • Sharing weariness with a knowing friend; Progress noted as a recovering people-pleaser (releasing the guilt); Plans for visiting boys finalized
  • Packed and baking done in prep for visiting my boys; Hubby’s Mom spending the next few days with us; First time in forever I actually feel ready for a trip
  • Sharing a meal and 2 hrs with Zach at college–a quick but nice visit; Watching Dan play kazoo in a coffee house jazz band; Relaxing with Dan and one of his roomies at their off-campus house
  • Driving through gorgeous “tunnels” of colorful maples; Enjoying Hillsdale College hospitality, meeting with Danny’s professors, and watching his performance in the orchestra; Swing dancing with my boy–I wasn’t very graceful, but it sure was fun!
  • Precious pockets of time with my boys sprinkled throughout the weekend; This weary, grateful family home to rest; Being able to take Dave’s Mom along to see the boys

By His grace ≈


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Find hope in your real-life struggles. We'll chase it together! I am a wife; mom of 4 (including a young adult daughter with special needs); miscarriage mom of 5; author & follower of Jesus Christ. I write, edit, speak and enjoy everything outdoors.

4 comments on “The One Thing I Hope My Children Remember About Me Above All Else
  1. Cecelia Lester (Quiet Spirit) says:

    I want my son to remember that his dad and I love him very much and stood by him when he was small and each time he was unemployed . I also want him to remember that I have tried to live for the Lord and help others find Him as they go through life.

  2. Cindy Krall says:

    Loved this Julie (the picture of the mason jar with glass stones is stuck in my mind…what a need visual reminder!) Also, loved your 3,000 gifts! That is soooo cool!

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  1. […] a new online friend who has been chasing gratitude for the past three years! (Check out her blog at Her journey has prompted me to think, “If she can do it for three years I can surely do it […]

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